
"When we value an experience of the Spirit over the transformation by the Spirit, we run the considerable risk of experiencing something other than the true Spirit of God and never really changing... Authentic transformation reverses the direction of the soul's energy." ~ Larry Crabb, "Dark Nights, Bright Mornings", Conversations Journal, vol. I, pg 21 I love this quote because at its core it is getting at the object and end of what we seek in relating to God. Do we seek an experience and so what we can get for ourselves, or do we seek transformation and so the conformity to a more important end? Dude, you would love this new journal. It's considered a Christian psychology journal, but it is so practical. It's all interviews or requested articles from respected Christian counselors on issues of soul transformation. I question what that means, but take it to refer to a revival of pastoral counseling that has gotten cheapened over the years. Pretty good stuff.


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