
quote for today

difficult reading--especially because some of the translation from the French is awkward. not like i could do better.... Michael Serres is (was?) a philosopher/historian of science that also studied and emulated literature a great deal. he believes(d?) that there should be less of a separation between the humanities, the arts, the social sciences, and physical science. and that philosophers should strive to understand all of it! he also happens(d?) to be a practicing catholic. "Try to discover from whence come those rare men who behave rightly during a dark and violent period. Have you ever asked yourself what protects someone from the dangers, deviations, or crimes of a given ideology, if not a religion and its inner anchor?" --Michel Serres (with Bruno Latour). Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time. (1990 trans. 1995). pp. 19.


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