
you da man

so that this is public knowledge: for two years, b and i were are part of an amazing home group called bread & fish. josh&zena neds-fox were the leaders--both in name and in eldership. much of what is going on in our home group/church now is a direct result of their encouragement, teaching, challenging, and--most of all--their very lifestyle. i think i can honestly say that without the example they set that what is going on here now wouldn't be happening...or at least we wouldn't be a part of it. plus they were and still are great friends--some of our best in this phase of our lives. so--chin up j.n-f! you were faithful in small things and the seeds you sowed are now just barely starting to poke their little green heads above the soil. they ain't stalks of corn yet. but without you doing and being who you were, this wouldn't exist. we miss you and z terribly. we wish you could be a part of this. you would make it better than it is. but don't feel down. we owe much of this directly to you. thank you.


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