
Good growing...

E & B--congratulations on the beginnings of parenthood! :+) How ready are you? (There may never be a sound answer to that, but you jump in anyway: Ready or not, here we come!)† This is some wonderful growing! And not so good growing: "Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell." --Edward Abbey Abbey is speaking of unmitigated economic growth of the kind promoted by our "late capitalistic" american way of life. Food for thought. Before I read the explatory sentence I was already agreeing in terms of church/organizational growth. I want to use this with my leaders! Each year with InterVarsity we talk about where we want to grow, or how much, but it seems such a stretch to talk about why and what that growth will produce. It seems that a more insightful view (or perhaps a keen leader), as you look down the road will also wisely take into account what will potentially result. Being "big" just to be the biggest or most influential Christian group on campus, or church in the neighborhood is useless and won't maintain a growth function for long. You can't just pour in and never pour out....either you explode or collapse from your excess. So the Kingdom is built by those who have the Sovereign's glory as their sight---from our end (and perhaps even from God's), He can never have too much honor or praise from us...and if our plans are to glorify Him, plan, build, grow away! And yet, like the cancer cells, or too many other similar entities, if we are self-propogating for self-glorification and self-satisfaction, we may soon find ourselves Babel-ling around a pile of rocks that used to be our tower of glory...


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