Different Conceptions of Freedom
Fascinating! I read the freedom quote on the blog before I read it in my mailbox from the Bruderhof commuity. It is interesting, because it shows a state of freedom that is not static or stationary, but very dynamic. However, beyond that, it seems to make dynamism the defining characteristic of freedom regardless of the direction in which one is dynamically going. When I clicked on the link to see more of the article, it instead went straight to a different article by Eberhald Arnold that I think fulfilled this directionless aspect of seeing freedom. Check it out...
The modern airplane can illustrate for us what true freedom guided by the Holy Spirit is. No matter which way the wind blows, the pilot flies his plane in the direction he decides. With this flight, all he has had in mind, all that has inspired his heart will be carried out. For thousands of years humankind has had this same ability to steer ships purposefully by the helm. When Christ is in the ship, it is steered by the Holy Spirit. And if the entire crew and passengers look to no guidance but that of the good Spirit, then they are all truly free.
- Arnold
Freedom is not a thing you can receive as a gift.
One can be free even under a dictatorship on
one simple condition, that is, if one struggles
against it. A man who thinks with his own mind
and remains uncorrupted is a free man. A man
who struggles for what he believes to be right is
a free man.
- Silone
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