
Quote for today, June 18th, 2003 "The notion of theft is based on the idea of ownership and property rights. People from many non-western cultures would find this entire discussion quite curious, since in much of the world the idea of collective accretion of ideas and form is dominant, and the construct of individual creativity that dominates in the US and Europe is not emphasized. The idea of ownership of form even begins to fade as we leave the world of art, design, and related commerce here in the US. The thought that someone was first to create an 'I [heart symbol] someplace-or-something' bumper sticker has probably never occurred to most owners of [those] bumper stickers. Even if the original and its originator were pointed out, the idea that their 'I [heart symbol] someplace-or-something else' bumper sticker steals something from Milton Glaser would probably seem quite foreign. The right to profit from an invention by means of ownership of rights to the invention is widespread in our culture; I'm not sure the same idea applied to aesthetic or communicative configuration is." --excerpt from "What's Wrong with Plagiarism" by Gunnar Swanson, 2001 (Milton Glaser created the "I [heart symbol] NY" logo that was used by the New York State Tourism Board for over a decade.)


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