so tired
it is now 4:30pm. i have been awake for 14 hours already today. i look bad. i probably smell bad. i'm not making much sense. yet my mind is very awake.
at about 7am (when i posted that personal statement), i did a very rare thing--i actually looked at some of the other blogs being posted at that time. here are some results of that surfing:
1) most blogs appear to be run by teenage girls;
2) most blogs appear to be about the lives of these girls;
3) most of these girls talk mostly about their parents and friends;
4) many of them are worse spellers than anything i've ever encountered;
5) a fair number of them are from overseas...of course what can you expect at 7am EST, 4am PST, and 12noon GMT (England);
6) some of them are looking for love in all the wrong places;
7) the ones that find love seem to stop blogging;
8) the ones that continue to blog after finding love focus on their pets, their neighbors, their neighbors' pets; and their neighbors' love lives;
9) even teenage girls have a better handle than I do about how to make their blogs look really cool;
10) most blogs are about nothing important and symbolize the deluge of individualized, empty, virtually pointless chatter out there.
does this count as something more substantial?
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