
From Mugnosher, Mogslopper's understudy

Affectionate Uncle, Why is it the humans eat so willingly from the trappings of even the most unworthy dementor? Can it be that they really are in love with themselves and hence become blind to the realisation that life is not about how much they can accumulate. It is wonderful to distract them and Im finding great pleasure in twisting my latest puppet. Their need for money, established long ago by great uncle Corkhoff, provides the simplest of playthings. Their pride at having the stuff amuses me no end, and it is particularly wonderful to whisper words of envy into their susceptible ears. Ha, they want something that will be outdated before long, something temporary. There is always something temporary Uncle, something to keep them from thinking about the eternal. Let them live in the temporary, the forever temporary; a territory we can always manipulate. With Dreadful Gladness Mugnosher


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