
(MC) Hammered

And not the fun kind of hammered where you wake up the next morning with a big headache and wonder what you did the night before and you realize there was some heavy drinking involved and you swear you'll never do it again. This is the not fun kind of hammered where you wake up the next morning with a big headache and wonder what you did the night before and you realize there was some reading you were supposed to retain but you can't because there's too much of it and now you have to show up to a class where you were supposed to have read and actually present the material to the other students, some of whom are in your same boat and have either total sympathy or none at all since they have to suffer through it as well. It's called boot camp. For nerds. And I'm there right now. And to top matters off, we have squirrels scurrying around inside of the overhang of the roof right above my bedroom. Sigh.


Blogger John McCollum said...

Hmmm. The squirrels in my overhang are only metaphorical.

3/03/2005 1:54 PM  

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