
Erik: On the notion of house churches and why we do not do them. Surely that is exactly what the small group model is about - small church groups with wide-scale accountability. Or, on a wider issue do you deem it a possibility that we should indeed tithe to the house church we are a part of? Beyond that, is each home church to select a leader? There are too many problems here for the model to be held to any sense of accountability. As much as the governance by a larger body may feel restrictive, it does none-the-less oversee the distribution of teaching, allocation of monies, and oversite of learning and ministry resources. In the home church model where does such accountability lie? I am called to reflect on the early church, realising that theirs was one where there were overseers, deacons etc. They made it work - but they surely had overseers who saw that their teachings were in line with the scriptures. I think i would benefit from some more oversight on where you are going with the model of a home church. Yes, one could lead one, and the teachings would be fair, administration of monies sound...but can you seriously consider it would do the Christian body any serious favors, especially when the Joe Schmoes come along with charisma, teach out of their arse, accepts monies in tithe etc, and end up leading a separtist movement that had good intentions but strayed way out into the wilderness?


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