
Might I suggest erik that you learn to edit your bloggs! Rabbit trail #1? If something is extending a former principle, and yet refuting it in part...is that cultivation /refinement. I cannot think of a practical example where this would apply...and in some ways I do not wish to suggest that the cultivation of modernism yields post-modern traits, for inherrently I feel Post Moderns would suggest that their way of doing life has an oppositional polarity to the Modernist way; and that PM is not the refinement of Modernism...but a seperate. For me - in my current understanding it sounds like the rebelious teenage son. PM creates distance from the Modernist Parent, refuting what Modernists stand for, and yet perhaps not realizing that just as flairs come and go every 15 years or so...so attitudes seem to shift in the generations. Though PM cannot be classified or boxed up - I believe time will reveal a boxed set of core beliefs, lifestyle choices and positions on morality. What will post-postmodern America look like? Umm...am I just spouting Bollocks? Perhaps.


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