
hey guys, I am excited by what i am reading here. it reminds me very much of a neo that begain with E asking a group of high school persons the question "what is church?". And after blood sweat and trears trying to answer this question that we were sure we should have been able to answer easially (hadnt we been to raised in sunday school where this question had been covered in the cirrucleum?) anyway,,,, of course we never answered the question.. or at least not in the easy way we all expect answers, and we appealed to E at the end to solve the puzzle and put our questioning hearts at ease and Erik, in classic Erik fashion said "there is no set answer, you are just supposed to ask the question right now." Days like this i was very glad that i was in this kinship.( That was back when "kinship" was still a kosher term of course.) It was good to realize that Christianity, really living Christianity can look this real. That sometimes the answer is still in the pursuit of God and the breaking and the reaching and the finding and the painfully beutiful growth and the questions and the answers that are real in the soul. The answers are still in the journey and not simply in the reader i was given in my methodist sunday school with the rip out pages and the popsicle stick puppets. At least for me, i think i still have that memory of that night at Neo because it was a growth moment for me. It is when i realized Christianity was real enough to meet me on the level i wanted to live in realness.That it is not a religion, but a lifestyle i guess. That it is more real then i am, and therefore worth all these questions we ask now on this nifty website. Worth our lives and more. Anyway...look, my first blog and i have said really nothing to contribute to this conversation except my own neo memories..... i apoligise,,,, i will write more later. Hopefully i will edventually have a voice to say what i really want to abotu these subjects. Cause right now they just get me excited and i have nothing to say in words yet... So i just spew emotion unless i find a voice. I love you both and i am going to eat nasty college food. Ohh wait! its a good food day.. the perspective next year freshmen students are staying this weekend. You remember this i am sure. peace


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