
Response to R2D2: I find the concept of individual needs being met to be very interesting. It seems that our vested interest in ourselves has been a prominent theme throughout time, considering ourselves entitled to things rather than being thankful for what is provided. However, I cannot dismiss the fact that the human desire to be fed and to feed others has contributed enormously to the growth of the civilization in which we live. I've tried feeding myself and find it altogether tiresome, lonely and full of junk food. Hence, as a young Christian I love the fact that I have guidance, not purely from the word but from people who show me (encourage more like) to apply the word to my life in a way appropriate to its intended application. Now PM's might suggest that there is no such application, and that it matters not that I apply but that I am. 'whatever' is the phrase I site now more than any other. Indeed a PM term itself, but I say it to indicate my disdain for the way one lump of BS is being substituted for another. Modern, post-modern...it matters not. BS is BS. E-dogg, the response seems to indicate extremes, that we sub community and inclusion for performance and productivity. Surely you do not believe this is the case. Even in Harry Potter they have the MUD Bloods. This is where I am...in the middle, wanting and desiring all these things in the community I serve. I see productivity as an essential product of labor, and yet I need community and inclusion to be at my most productive, whether it be social, professional or in the body. I say live it out...sticking it out is not an option for me as I have no choice in the grander issues. I either grow old or I grow old and get bored. I'd rather just get old with people around me, with work for my hands, people for my money, and brothers to share food with. I'm searching for brothers and sisters who, regardless of my situation, my global location and my anglo-american accent, will love enough to know that they too are loved. (Am i a post-modernin denial?)


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