
Quote for today, June 11, 2003 "One system we must replace as soon as possible is the one we have inherited from industrialization. Its central notion was that work was crucial, and what you did when you were working mattered too. Being employed was synonymous with being needed. Leisure time was when you did things like entertain yourself or look after your private life, including children and older relatives, and chores such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry. The post-industrial society must get rid of this work-based outlook. The hard bit is managing to break with the prevailing trend. All such disruptive changes have in common at least one effect: they upset people." Bodil Jˆnsson, Ten Thoughts About Time. pp. 70-71. Quote for yesterday (since i meant to start then), June 10, 2003 "I sucked The moon I spoke Too soon And how much did it cost? I was dropped from Moonbeams And sailed On shooting stars Maybe you'll be president But know right from wrong Or in the flood you'll build an Ark And sail us to the moon" Radiohead, (Brush the Cobwebs out of the Sky)


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