
New York City: 24 hours of driving - a good 12 miles walked, no clothes to show for it...but some great conversations with my brother. That is what came from my visit to the city. He loved NYC...the big lights, the aromas exuding from the people, the places and the odd sewer rat. I have decided however that as much as I try to ocnvince myself that I am a city person...I'm not. White America...I am one of your kids. Kelly, what issues are really bothering you? Lets get to that...I suggest you write them on a piece of paper, bring it to the table with somebody you trust...pray through them...then burn the list :^) Or perhaps do what I have done inthe past....folded it in half and then stuck it in my journal. It is amazing to look back and see what has come up in your life over the years, I have 7 and a half years of journaling done now...and I am positively amused by what I read. Lars...you have some journaling of your own to do on this blogg site. We want "Erik's 5 Major Thoughts" on the weekend. As for me and my house, I dreamed last night that I got married after only knowing a girl for 4 days, and then remember second guessing and wondering how the Vineyard ever allowed it to happen. Sorry - this has turned into more of an email than a blogg...more to come.


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