
Quote for today, June 12, 2003 The separation of life into public and private spheres and its compartmentalization into specialized areas resulted in religious faith becoming marginalized from society and reduced to a privatized matter for like-minded individuals to pursue without imposing their views on the public sphere. Religious faith becomes relativized, helpful as a resource for coping with the crises of life, but having no legitimacy in claiming public truth...."What was 'known' with a taken-for-granted certitude becomes, at best, a 'belief.' Further along in theis process it becomes a 'religious opinion' or a 'feeling.'...The emphasis shifts from a concern with the proclamation of an objective and universal truth to a concern with the subjective applicability of truth." (quote is from James Hunter) --Ed Gibbs, Church Next: Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry. pp. 22.


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