

Seeing as how two of us are from Grace Brethren (read: Halloween is the devil's holiday) backgrounds and Indy is a very conservative state, we're wondering what we should do about Halloween. it's a huge tradition in my family, but i'm wondering about what is appropriate for this new place. so, what are you going to be for Halloween? and what should I be?


Blogger Jeff Cannell said...

Find a good costume party, get a kick ass costume, and offer to be a sober driver!

10/18/2004 9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my husband and i are going as jim and tammy faye baker! it's a neighborhood party, and we're hoping everyone understands who we are, since it's not a church affiliated party. anyways, we have the rockingest costumes and are so looking forward to it. i say you should forget your GB roots and have some fun! halloween and costumes are completely appropriate, as long as you don't get all demon happy. :)

10/18/2004 10:54 PM  
Blogger John McCollum said...

Oh, go ahead and mock.

Have fun sacrificing sex goats or whatever you pagan bastards do in Indiana.

We're going to have a 'harvest party' and give out tracts to the neighbors instead of candy.

Then we're taking the kids to Hellstop.

Cause that makes the neighbors love Jesus.

10/19/2004 6:52 AM  
Blogger Brian Estabrook said...

John said 'Hellstop'.

10/19/2004 11:58 AM  

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