
"The principles of the republics of antiquity was to sacrifice private interests to the general good. In that sense, one could say taht they were virtuous. The principle of this one [America] seems to be to make private interests harmonize with the general interest. A sort of refined and intelligent selfishness seems to be the pivot on which the whole machine turns. These people here do not trouble themselvse to find out whether public virtue is good, but they do claim to prove that it is useful. If the latter point is true, as I think it is in part, this society can pass as enlightened, but not as virtuous. But up to what extent can the two principles of individual well-being and the general good in fact be merged? How far can a conscience, which one might say was based on reflection and calculation, master those political passions which are not yet born, but which will certainly be born? That is something which only the future will show." ~ Alexis de Toqueville, Journal entry; Sing-Sing, May 29, 1831


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